This Heraeus 03009371 compatible* lamp, Twin Tube lamp provides a constant and evenly distributed heat output. This emitter is designed with longevity in mind and offers exceptional mechanical stability for use in high demand environments.
The 830 mm long 03009371 has a factory warranty of 600 hours.
- constant heat output
- reliable mechanical stability
- long service life
- customer approved
Length: 830 mm
Spectrum: Shortwave
Warranty: 3000 hours
* a compatible lamp is not the OEM lamp, but a Lamp Express designed replacement lamp, that matches or exceeds the original specification.
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908411-2288,03009371,03009371,Heraeus 03009371,Heraeus 03009371 IR twin tube lamp,Heraeus 03009371 heat lamp,Heraeus 03009371 heat bulb,Heraeus 03009371 irradiator,Heraeus 03009371 quartz emitter,Heraeus 03009371 Infrarotstrahler,Heraeus 03009371 Lampes à infrarouges,Heraeus 03009371 Lámparas Infrarrojas,Heraeus 03009371 Infrakrasnyye lampys,Heraeus 03009371 Инфракрасные лампы,Heraeus 03009371 Lâmpadas infravermelhas,Heraeus 03009371 مصابيح الأشعة تحت الحمراء,Heraeus 03009371 masabih al'ashieeat taht alhamra,Heraeus 03009371 Hóngwàixiàn dēng,Heraeus 03009371 红外线灯,Heraeus 03009371 inphraared laimp,Heraeus 03009371 इन्फ्रारेड लैंप,Heraeus IR Twin Tube heat lamp,Heraeus IR Twin Tube heat bulb,Heraeus IR Twin Tube irradiator,Heraeus IR Twin Tube quartz emitter,Heraeus 03009371,03009371,03009371